One result of our society’s modern form of government is the creation of innumerable administrative agencies at the state and federal levels. With each agency comes a specific set of regulations that impact individuals and businesses on a daily basis. Moyers Martin’s attorneys maintain an extensive practice before governmental agencies at all levels. The Firm’s attorneys regularly represent and advise clients in matters pending before the following agencies:
Federal Energy Regulatory Commissions (FERC)
Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC)
Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB)
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
Local City and County Zoning Commissions
Oklahoma Department of Mines (DOM)
Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT)
Oklahoma Nursing Board (ONB)
Moyers Martin represents clients with one goal – to deliver the results you want. Contact us online or call (918)-582-5281.